"Just Doge/Dab It", Photoshop Digital Image, 2019

Just Doge/Dab IT This is a mashup of a satisfied Shia Labeouf face fused onto the Drakeposting meme, in-front of an Old man Dabbing with a Face of a Doge. The text "Just Dab it" is a rephrasing of the Nike motto "Just Do It". Dabbing is usually used as a celebration and this is a tribute to everyone who surpasses their expectations. This can happen anytime of the day and calls for a dance celebration due to one abilities to go against their own thinking and "Just Doing It". The end results may not be as expected, but the regret of not doing anything either is gone. Whether it's for the better or worse, satisfied Shia is happy you shot your shot, for you can't make it if you don't ever shoot.