
Artist Statement

Evan Eron Villaflor

was born in Mountain View, CA , but raised in Sunnyvale. A second generation Filipino American who grew up in the perfect place and time for computers and technology influence being born in the heart of the Silicon Valley. With overflowing amount of influence coming from multiple social medias platforms (MySpace,Facebook,Xanga) Evan was born and molded into becoming a Digital Media Artist. During his time at De Anza Community College no major for him provided the same amount of interest than sculpturing did.

By re-sparking his inspiration and motivation in becoming an Artist, Evan graduated De Anza with an Arts Associate in Sculpture and decided to take his talents to San Jose State University. Now, as a Digital Media Artist, Evan couldn't help but fall in love with the never ending amount of power one has online. The pictures, the ideas, the random news, and this infinite amount of content that is readily available through the world wide web/Internet everyday is overwhelming, but also exciting. With a background in sculpture, help with the patience in learning 3-D Modelling. His craft comes along with a ton of hours and practice put into his work. Evan's simple approach that he does while creating his artwork goes like this, "The more he does his medium the better he gets at it". The idea of constructive learning was installed into his head during his time at De Anza. This thought of “I don’t get it now” is erased and replaced with “I don’t get it yet” and eventually will. Evan found inspiration in pop art, comic book art, anime, manga, cartoons and magazines. Learning from techniques and artwork from Roy Lichtenstein, Barbara Kruger, Andy Warhol, Barry Mcgee, Paulo Grageon, John J Heartfield, and Ed Ruscha.

Evan is currently working to get his Bachelors in Fine Arts, as a Digital Media Artist at SJSU.